Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Award Programs

Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is an integral part of the three-component model of agricultural education. SAE is a student-led, instructor-supervised, work-based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed upon set of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to your Career Plan of study.


American FFA Degree
- The State FFA American Degree Review Form is required as part of Iowa's application process
- The American Degree Manual Review Sheet is used by state staff to review before submitting to National FFA
- The American Degree is earned by less than 1% of National FFA members
Agriscience Fair
- The state event is part of the State Science and Technology Fair
- The National FFA Agriscience Fair Checklist is used by state staff to review before submitting to National FFA
- The Agriscience Fair is made possible with support from Nationwide through the Iowa FFA Foundation
Iowa FFA Degree
- Recognition of recipients occurs at the annual Iowa FFA Leadership Conference
- The Iowa FFA Degree is made possible with support from Corteva Agriscience Pioneer Brand Seeds through the Iowa FFA Foundation
Proficiency Awards
The Proficiency Awards program is made possible with support from the Iowa FFA Foundation
SAE Programs
Work-based learning in Agricultural Education are known as Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs)
Stars Over Iowa
- The application is a unique application and NOT the generic star application.
-Stars Over Iowa is made possible with support from Beck's Hybrids through the Iowa FFA Foundation